Newburgh Parishes
August Newburgh Catholic Church Schedule
SAVE THE DATE- SEPT 29- Catholic Churches in Newburgh Gathering- 1-5
Religious Education Registration is Open - Classes begin 9/28
August -SVDP Baby Center Tuesdays from 9:30-12 in Valastro Center
August - DJS Food Pantry Fridays and Saturdays 8:30 -12 in SH Gym
August 2- First Friday Mass - SP 8:00am; SH 9:00am; SFA 12 noon
August 2- First Friday Adoration SP 9-11:30 & 3-5pm; SH 9:30-11am; SFA 12:30-2:00; SM 7-8:30
August 2 - Sacred Heart League SH Chapel 1:00
August 3&4 - Birthday Blessings at all Masses
August 4 - Coffee and Bagel Hour - SFA after the 8:30 Mass
August 5 - Free Lunch Program SP Cafeteria 11:30-1:00
August 6 - Bible Study of Upcoming Sunday Readings - SH Chapel 1:00-2:15
August 7 - Senior Monthly Meeting – SFA 12:30 in O’Connor Hall
August 7 - Holy Hour- SFA 3-4:30
August 7 - Coming Together in Truth Meeting 5:30 in the Valastro Center
August 13 - Bible Study of Upcoming Sunday Readings - SH Chapel 1:00-2:15
August 14 - Holy Hour- SP 3-4:30
August 14 - Coming Together in Truth Meeting 5:30 in the Valastro Center
August 14 - Young Adult Meeting 6:30 in the Valastro Center
August 14 - Catholic Daughters Meeting - SH Chapel - 6pm
August 14- Vigil for The Assumption of Mary Masses -SFA- 4:00, SP 6:30 (Spanish)
August 15 - Feast of the Assumption of Mary Masses - Holy day of obligation - Regular Weekday Masses plus SP 5 (English) 6:30 (Spanish), SH 5:30, and OLL 5:30
August 16 - Movie and Pizza Night –- SFA O’Conner Center 5:30
August 20 - Bible Study of Upcoming Sunday Readings - SH Chapel 1:00-2:15
August 21 - Holy Hour- SH 3-4:30
August 21 - Coming Together in Truth Meeting 5:30 in Valastro Center
August 25 - Coffee and Bagel Hour - SH after the 9:00 and 12 noon Masses
August 27 - Bible Study of Upcoming Sunday Readings - SH Chapel 1:00-2:15
August 28 - Holy Hour- SFA 3-4:30
August 28 - Coming Together in Truth Meeting 5:30 in Valastro Center
August 28 – Young Adult Meeting 6:30 in the Valastro Center
Masses and Confession
Confessions –3:00-3:45 SFA; 3:30 – 4:30 SP (English and Spanish); 4:30-5:15 SH
Sat Masses -4:00 SFA; 4:00 Communion Serv OLL; 5:00, 6:30 (Spanish)SP; 5:30 SH
Sunday Masses - 7:30 SP; 8:30 SFA; 9:00 SP (Spanish); 10:00 SH(Italian); 10:30 SP;
12 SH; 12 SP (Spanish); 1:30 SFA (Spanish); 3:00 SP (Latin); and 9:30 &12:30 OLL
every other week
Daily Masses (M-F): 7:00 SFA Communion Service; 8:00 SP; 9:00 SH {also Sat}; 12
noon SFA; 6:30 Wed SP (Spanish); 7:00 Tues OLL
Daily Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet: after daily Masses at SH and Rosary
8:30 am and 7pm 1st Sun and Tues of the month at SP
KEY: SP- St Patrick’s; SH- Sacred Heart; SFA- St Francis; OLL- Our Lady of the Lake; SM- St Mary’s